Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Social Media is Changing Our Brains - Listening Exercise

How Social Media is Changing Our Brains - Listening Exercise Is social media like an addictive drug? What is a phantom vibration? Can social media actually be good for relationships?a href= Science/a, a Canadian duo that has created a fascinating YouTube channel about science,  answers these and more questions about how social media changes  our brains.  Its fascinating, and is also a good way to work on your Ea href=/?page_id=16153nglish listening skills/a. Watch the video below, then try to answer the questions.iframe src=// width=560 height=315 frameborder=0 allowfullscreen=allowfullscreen/iframestrongAnswer the questions in comments, and we will respond./strong1. Cant __ __?2. What does sentence 1 mean?3.  How is using social media like a drug?4. What is phantom vibration syndrome? Have you ever felt it?5. How is social media communication different from face to face communication?6. How is social media good for relat ionships?7. Do you think social media has changed you?Want to improve your English writing? a href=/?page_id=16153Click here/a.

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